Friday, January 19, 2018


Dear Unicorn Families!

Not sure where winter is, but we continue to move through January at a rapid pace.  This week was a busy one.  We spoke about Martin Luther King Jr.  We read his speech and discussed what some of the metaphors meant.  We also read a book about Rosa Parks and what we can learn from Rosa Parks and Ruby Bridges.  We started our science unit on Objects in Space.  We began talking about the moon cycle.  We created a support to help the children label the phases of the moon.  The new moon was this past Wednesday, so your children should be filling in their moon journal every day.  This journal can come back to school once it is complete.  It does not need to be turned in each week. 
We worked hard on reading and writing with l blends and inferencing.  In writing we continued to talk about writing “how to” stories.  This week we focused on what is a fact and what is an opinion.  This will help to make the stories based in actual steps and not about how they feel about the subject.  Next week we will begin looking at r blends while we continue to learn more about writing the middle part of a how to story.
In homework this week, students have two long term activities.  The first is the moon journal, which is week two.  The second is a writing project that if done slowly, will make your life much less stressful.  We would like your child to write a kind statement about each child in the classroom for their Valentine’s Day Card.  There is no food attached to these cards, and I will provide a small snack on the day we exchange the cards because the focus of this day will be on Friendship and how kind words are an important part of friendship.
The next several weeks are regular weeks.  We will have early release each Thursday.  Please remember that healthy snacks like crackers, cheese, or fruit help your child stay focused on their school work each day.  Layers are an important part of our day, but please make sure you label your child’s clothing.  That way the clothing has a better chance of coming back to you if lost.   Have a great weekend!

       Mrs. Berk


Important Dates:        Early Release: Feb 1 st , Feb 8 th Feb 15 th        Steppers: Jan 26 th , Feb 2 nd        Box Tops – Turn i...