Friday, August 25, 2017


Dear Unicorn Families!

Next week will mark our third full week of school.  The mornings are even starting to cool off just a bit, of course, I could just be hopeful that the end of another Tucson summer is near.  The children are starting get some of our routines.  The unicorns love to talk, so we are working on the appropriate times to talk.  It is all a part of learning how to be a part of a new classroom.  As we continue to discuss interpersonal skills as a part of our health unit, we will also move on to healthy bodies.  This will include foods we eat, exercise, and teeth.  In writing we have started learning about writing small moment stories.  An example of a small moment story is riding one roller coaster on a trip to Disneyland.  Taking that one adventure and adding the details to make it a small moment in time.  In reading we will look at books and how to make connections to what we have read.  We will start with general ideas next week and move into an author study soon after Labor Day.  Finally, in math, we are examining the steps we need to go through to solve word problems.  We are also exploring number comparison, accuracy when counting/writing numbers, and manipulating numbers in multiple ways.  I am seeing some number reversals right know, please know that they are developmentally appropriate through the beginning of second grade (also true for letters), but I will begin to work with the children to look for them.  If you see an underline under a number, on a paper, it usually means there was a reversal there.  Give your child time to start turning these around before you focus on it.
Your child’s first homework is in the Friday folder this week.  There are two parts.  The first is a reading log.  We hope your child will read (by him/herself, to a family member, or by a family member) every day for 10 to 15 minutes.  Everyone’s routines are different, so find a time that works best for you.  Some like the night, while others have early risers and prefer to read in the morning.  The second page of the homework is a worksheet that each child will keep in their writing folder.  Please read it with your child, cut out the phrases that fit and glue it in the jar.  It will give them ideas to write about when they are stuck and can’t think of a small moment story.  If you have questions, please feel free to ask. 
In your child’s folder is their DIBELS score report.   This is a nationally standardized reading assessment and is one of multiple ways we assess your child.  The beginning of the year assessment looks at letter naming, and the reading of nonsense words (both individual sounds and whole words read).  This assessment is done 3 times a year.  If you have more questions that are not answered by the literature that comes home with the scores, please let me know and we can find a time to meet.  This is not something that I can quickly discuss at drop off or parent pick up. 
Finally, Tuesday is Curriculum Night for First Grade.  There is a presentation in the MPR for the fine arts program and all the changes for this year starting at 5:30 (This presentation will happen all 3 nights).   A group presentation for all 4 classrooms will start at 6:00 pm and go for 20 minutes.  Then we will head to the classroom where I will talk about specifics for the Unicorn class.  The evening will end by 7:00 pm 
I hope everyone has a fantastic weekend.  I look forward to seeing you all next week.

       Mrs. Berk


Important Dates:        Early Release: Feb 1 st , Feb 8 th Feb 15 th        Steppers: Jan 26 th , Feb 2 nd        Box Tops – Turn i...